Reclaim your vitality and return home to yourself

Achieve self-agency over your health and wellbeing

Perhaps you feel disconnected with your life, your body, and your sense of purpose. You aspire for ambitious goals, but your body doesn’t always seem to support you in that endeavor, ladening you with burn-out, anxiety, depletion, chronic pain flares, and other imbalances in your body.

It might feel like:

  • You’re stuck in a perpetual cycle of hustle + crash

  • You’re doing everything right, and yet still not enough to achieve the health the way you envision it to be

  • No matter what you do, chronic stress and pain are velcro-ed to you — impossible to shake off and too easy to adhere

In the end, you feel directionless in how to get out of this cycle where you find a more balanced lifestyle infused with self-care. Worst of all, you feel isolated, lonely, and misunderstood.

I don't offer just another yoga class that make you generally feel good -- I offer yoga therapy with practical tools that give you results: more energy, better sleep, reduced pain, less stress and anxiety, more content and at ease with life, more resilient. With mindful movements, meditation, and breathing practices, we are targeting the physical and physiological responses to stored stress (trauma). I take into account of your individual and unique lifestyle, personality, and constitution to create your very own skillset of practice.

  • Elaine is an incredible, supportive practitioner who will do whatever it takes to improve your quality of life.

    - Hannah F

  • I have since been sleeping better, and actively being engaged into my well being than I had ever understood before. I now have part of my life back.

    -Rachel M

  • I experienced significant improvement with my stress and migraines by working with Elaine. See this review as a sign to work with her!

    -Morgan M

Hey there, I’m Elaine!

I help driven, ambitious women restore balance from depletion through therapeutic yoga practices, so that they can show up fully in their lives with ease and vitality.

  • I'm a yoga therapist and self-nurture mentor who work with women who have crashed from doing too much. I, too, was once a woman who not only wanted to do it all, but also to excel at everything. Then I crashed and burned. I slowly picked myself back up by finding my inner sanctuary to build resilience to life. Here, I welcome you to this sacred space where you can take a deep breathe for yourself and take off the heavy loads that weigh on you. Whether you’re dealing with chronic health issues or burn-out, here, you can return back home to yourself.

When you learn how to nurture yourself properly with yoga therapy, you can:

  • Improve mobility, strength, and resilience so that you can better rise up to the demands of your life

  • Manage your chronic health challenges with more ease so your body doesn’t keep pulling the emergency brakes

  • Live life on your own terms

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How to get started

It’s time to put yourself first.

Because if you don’t…

  • You can develop further health issues — anxiety, hormonal imbalances, chronic pain, autoimmune issues, and more

  • You will continue dealing with the unpredictability of your body

  • Your body won’t be able to support you in your goals + dreams

  • You submit to the false belief that you are not worth the time, that you don’t deserve it (your healing, goals, passions, etc)

  • Everyone around you will keep draining your energy as you continue to give without boundaries

Yoga therapy is an individualized process to guide you in replenishing your strength, so that you can live an intentional life with more ease, in a body that fully supports you in your endeavors.

Receive the nurture you deserve